Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Biblical Citys True Location Discovered Researchers Claim

Scientists think theyve eventually found the genuine place ofa city called Netaim referred to in the Bible.

Based on the vicinity to an additional biblical town, andarchaeological hull dating from the time of the biblical King Davids rule,researchers think Netaim competence have been located at the complicated site called KhirbetQeiyafa, in Israel.

Khirbet Qeiyafa contains the hull of an very old fortresscity on tip of a mountain unaware the Elah Valley. Pottery shards and burnedolive pits at the site date to about 1,000 B.C. Most scholars think KingDavid ruled during this time.

Archaeologists have formerly compared Khirbet Qeiyafawith the biblical city Shaarayim, that equates to "two gates," becauseof the find of dual gates in the outpost ruins, and since Shaarayim wasalso compared with King David in the Bible. But right away researchers explain thissite is unequivocally Netaim, a locale referred to in the book 1 Chronicles in the HebrewBible, or OldTestament.

"The inhabitants of Netaim were potters who worked inthe kings use and inhabited an critical executive core nearby theborder with the Philistines" pronounced Gershon Galil, a highbrow of biblicalstudies at the University of Haifa in Israel.

Galil thinks Netaim was located at Khirbet Qeiyafa in partbecause it is nearby the complicated site Khirbet Ğudraya, additionally nearby the Elah Valley,which has been identified as the biblical locale of Gederah. Both Gederah and Netaimwere referred to in the same hymn of the Bible, 1 Chronicles 4:23: "Thesewere the potters, the inhabitants of Netaim and Gederah, they dwelt there inthe Kings service."

Netaim is usually referred to once in the Bible, and has so farremained unidentified.

In associated research, Galil not long ago deciphered content writtenon a pottery shard found at Khirbet Qeiyafa, and found it was the earliestknown e.g. of Hebrew writing.

"The archeological commentary at this site, the discoveryof the beginning and majority critical Hebrew marker to be found to date, andthe understanding, formed on the biblical text, that members of the Tribe ofJudah inhabited the locale and worked in the kings service, attest to KhirbetQeiyafa Netaim being an critical executive core in the borderregion of the Kingdom of Israel during the time of King Davids reign,"Galil said.

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